Small Flowering Plants Epilobium (aka Zauschneria)
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Epilobium californica mexicana Common Name: CA Fuschia Mexicana
Family: Onagraceae
Type: 1.5'h x 3'w - spreading
Flowers: June to Fall
Flower Color: Orange/Red
Likes: Full Sun
Often overlooked as it is a late bloomer. Low growing perennial Fuschia. Flowers summer into fall.
Trim in the winter to keep it fresh and low growing. A favorite with Humming Birds like all Fuschias. Similar to "canum" but larger and more aggressive spreader. Sourced from Las Pilitas.

Zausch. canum ssp. latifolia Common Name: 'Everett's Choice' prostrate fuchsia
Family: Onagraceae Images
Type: .5'h x 3'w - groundcover
Flowers: June to Fall
Flower Color: Orange/Red
Likes: Full/Part
Very low growing Fuschia. Use as a ground cover.

Epilobium Californica x (Catalina x latifolia) Common Name: Desi's Blossom Fuchsia
Family: Onagraceae
Type: 2'h x 2'w - small plant
Flowers: June to Fall
Flower Color: Orange/Red
Likes: Full/Part
Low spreading Fuschia. Hybrid that has some of the best characteristics of both. Slightly spreading small upright Fuschia. Prolific flowering of red/orange flowers that hummingbirds love. Product of natural cross polllination in the garden - thank you to the Hummingbirds!

Epilobium californica Catalina Common Name: Catalina Fuchsia
Family: Onagraceae
Type: Shrub, 2'h x 4'w
Flowers: Spring to Fall
Flower Color: Red/Orange
Likes: Full Sun
Very adaptable, drought tolerant perennial. Tall for a Fuchsia. Interesting grey/green foliage color with bright "shooting star" flowers. Blooms summer to fall, depending on moisture. Attracts hummingbirds. Great if you are just starting with Natives. Can take some Summer irrigation after established. With garden irrigation will spread.

Epilobium canum ssp.canum Common Name: California Fuschia Canum
Family: Onagraceae (Images)
Type: 1.5'h x 2'w - spreading
Flowers: June to Fall
Flower Color: Orange/Red
Likes: Full Sun
Native to the Sierra Foothills and coastal mountains. Great late Summer and Fall color. Low growing perennial Fuschia. Attracts Hummingbirds and a fantatic late season pollinator. Will benefit from additional water but also very drought tolerant. Spreading. More compact and less agressive spreading than "mexicana".

Epilobium canum SS Common Name: Sierra Salmon
Family: Onagraceae (Images)
Type: 1.5'h x 2'w - spreading
Flowers: June to Fall
Flower Color: Salmon
Likes: Full Sun
Selection of canum. Salmon colored flowers. Spreads slowly. Prune heavily to encourage next years growth/flowering.

Epilobium septentrionalis Common Name: Mattole River Fuschia
(Epilobium septentrionale 'Select Mattole')
Family: Onagraceae
Type: Small plant 1'h x 3'w
Flowers: June to Fall
Flower Color: Orange/Red
Likes: Full Sun
Smaller Fuschia. Native to the coast so will need some irrigation inland. Great as a spreading ground cover. Will grow fairly large with regular water. Often overlooked in the Spring as it is a summer/fall bloomer. Use as edge or among rocks. Great with mid-level Penstemons. Apparently the deer like this one.