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Ray Hartmen
Common Name
Calscape Link
Penstemon speciosus  Common Name: Royal Penstemon  
Calscape Description,  Images

Bahiopsis laciniataSan Diego Sunflower

Calliandra eriophyllaFairy Duster

Euthamia occidentalisWestern Goldentop

Fallugia paradoxaApache Plume

Lonicera hispidula var. vacillansPink Wild Honeysuckle

Ribes viburnifoliumEvergreen Currant, Spooner's Mesa

Penstemon speciosus  Common Name: Royal Penstemon

Family: Plantaginaceae,   Images

Type: Herbaceous Shrub, 2'h x 2'w

Flowers: May to July

Flower Color: Blue/Purple

Likes: Full Sun

A mid-level Penstemon.  Native to the mid-elevation Sierras. Can use supplemental water the first year then seems to be OK.  Nice planted in groups for May - July color.  Nice compliment to the other Penstemons.

Arctostaphlyos sp  Common Name: Emerald Carpet Manzanita

Family: Ericaceae

Type: Small plant 1'h x 3'w

Flowers: February/March

Flower Color: Pink

Likes: Full Sun

Somewhat drought tolerant.  Needs supplemental water inland.

Good as a low ground cover in partial native conditions - between ornamental and a drought landscape. Spreads rapidly. Hybrid between Arctostaphylos uva-ursi and Arctostaphylos nummularia.

Arctostaphylos sp  Common Name: Ian Bush Manzanita

Family: Ericaceae

Type: Small plant 5'h x 5'w

Flowers: January/February

Flower Color: Pink

Likes: Full Sun

Early bloomer, January and February, in the valley.  Very drought tolerant. Grows fast to 4'.  Very nice foliage. Hybrid of Arctostaphylos densiflora and Arctostaphylos pungens.  Slightly larger than A. densiflora.  Good for a small hedge.  Attracts hummingbirds.  Lots of pink -white flowers.  Can be pruned into a small tree.  Smooth dark red-brown bark.

Winter / Fall
Iris innominata  Common Name: Del Norte Canyon Iris

Family: Iridaceae,   (Images)

Type: Small plant 1.5'h x .2'w

Flowers: March to April

Flower Color: White

Likes: Part Shade

Northern California Iris.  Small plant with usually yellow flowers.  Needs shade and additional water.


Wyethia angustifolia  Common Name: Narrowleaf Mull ears

Family: Asteraceae  (Images)

Type: Shrub, 1'h x 1'w

Flowers: Spring

Flower Color: Yellow

Likes: Full Sun

Small flowering perennial.  Bright yellow flowers on.  Dies back each year to retun the next Spring. Groups make great displays of large yellow flowers.

Quercus douglasii  Common Name: Blue Oak

Family: Fagaceae  (Images)

Type: Tree, 30'h x 20'w

Flowers: Spring

Flower Color: Not distinct

Likes: Full Sun

Common to the Sierra foothills.  Decideous medium tree - can grow to 30-40ft.  Smaller than Valley Oak - Q. lobata.  Light gray foliage with lobed mid-sized leafs. Slow growing.  Full sun but can tolerate some shade.  Do not water regularly.

Penstemon grinnelliiCommon Name: Southern Woodland Penstemon

Family: Plantaginaceae

Type: Herbaceous Shrub, 2.5'h x 3'w

Flowers: Spring to Summer

Flower Color: Lavender, Purple

Likes: Full Sun

Similar to spectabilis but slightly smaller and more compact.  Mid/large-sized Penstemon.  Flowers Spring well into Summer with moisture. Very hardy.  Nice as a single accent or around large rocks. Needs to be pruned to keep it manageable.   Very drought tolerant.  Summer water every few weeks during the first year to establish.  Avoid summer irrigation after established.

Salvia brandegeei  Common Name: Santa Rosa Island Sage

Family: Lamiaceae  (Images)

Type: Small Shrub, 4'h x 4'w

Flowers: Early Spring to Summer

Flower Color: Blue

Likes: Full Sun

Nice aromatic mid-sized sage.  Native to Santa Rosa Island and Baja.  Green foliage and bright blue flowers make a nice contrast to lighter foliage Encelia and others.  Growth tends to be erect initially and with more weight the branches collapse and spread - normal for this one.  Regrows and makes a nice slightly spreading plant.  Expect this to need some summer water as the origin is coastal island.

Linanthus californicus Common Name: Prickly Phlox

Family: Polemoniaceae  (Images)

Type: Small plant 1'h x 2'w

Flowers: Late Spring

Flower Color: Pink/Purple

Likes: Part Sun

Coastal plant, can use some regular irrigation.  Nice surprise during at the beginning of Summer when it blooms.  Plant in groups for greater effect.

Lippia (repens) Phy. nodiflora Common Name: Common Lippia

Family: Verbenaceae  (Images)

Type: Ground Cover 4"h

Flowers: Summer

Flower Color: Pnk/Wht Flower

Likes: Full Sun

A true grass replacement.  Can take walk-on traffic.  Green foliage and small attractive flowers - great for pollinators.  Spreading.

Mentzelia laevicaulis Common Name: Giant Blazing Star

Family: Loasaceae  (Images)

Type: Small plant 2'h x 1'w

Flowers: Late Summer

Flower Color: Yellow

Likes: Full Sun

Blooms late summer into fall.  Perennial can be short lived.  Star like flowers bring color late season. Avoid summer water after established

Monardella odoratissma  Common Name: Mountain Coyote Mint

Family: Lamiasceae  Images

Type: Small plant 1'h x 2'w

Flowers: March to July

Flower Color: White, Pink, Blue (varies)

Likes: Part Sun

Found at lower/mid elevations in the Sierra.  Distincitive mint fragrance. Easy to grow. Flower color can vary. Smaller, and found at higher elevations, than M. villosa

Penstemon deustus  Common Name: Hot Rock Penstemon

Family: Plantaginaceae,   Images

Type: Herbaceous Shrub, 1'h x 2'w

Flowers: May to June

Flower Color: Cream

Likes: Full Sun

Small Penstemon that is native to mid-elevations of Northern CA and the NW US. Cream colored flowers nice addition to the other Penstemons.  Attracts hummingbirds.  Spring flowering.

Penstemon rydbergii  Common Name: Meadow Penstemon

Family: Plantaginaceae  Images

Type: Herbaceous Shrub, 2'h x 3'w

Flowers: Spring to Summer

Flower Color: Purple

Likes: Full Sun

Penstemon common throughout the Sierras.  Typically at mid elevations.  Very nice showy flowers in summer at high elevations - earlier at low elevations.  Benefits from added water.  Common to wet areas but also to high elevation rocky slopes.  Needs shade in the valley.foothills.

Winter / Fall
Sisyrinchium bellum (San Simeon)  Common Name: White Eyed Grass

Family: Iridaceae  (Images) Need to pick thru the images to find the San Simeon

Type: Small plant .5'h x .5'w

Flowers: March to June

Flower Color: White

Likes: Part Shade

Perennial.  White flowered smaller version of Sis. Bellum. Very adaptable accent plant. Grows in clumps and can use summer water.  Summer dormant.  Nice addition to Blue Eyed grass.

Sisyrinchium californicum Common Name: Yellow Eyed Grass

Family: Iridaceae  (Images) 

Type: Small plant 1'h x .5'w

Flowers: March to June

Flower Color: Yellos

Likes: Part Shade

Nice accent plant.   Smaller grass like plant.  Coastal Northern CA mountains.  Likes part sun and additional water. Early season color into summer dependent on moisture.  Member of the Iris Family, spreads with favorable conditions

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