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Blossom Hill Originals
Plants that have naturally cross pollinated in our garden and produced cross species hybrids

Salvia pachphylla x  Common Name: Silas' Blossom Sage

Family: Lamiaceae

Type: Shrub, 3'h x 2.5'w

Flowers: Spring to Fall

Flower Color: Bright Blue

Likes: Full Sun

S. pachylhylla cross - probably with S. clevelandii.  Mid-sized sage with beautiful bright blue flowers. Flowers in summer.  Needs Fall pruning.  Do not over-water. Very nice original Blossom Hill selection.  Seems to be very prolific flowerer.

Salvia clevelandii x  Common Name:  Allison's Blossom Sage

Family: Lamiaceae 

Type: Large Shrub, 4'h x 5'w

Flowers: Early Spring to early Summer

Flower Color: Purple/Blue

Likes: Full Sun

A Blossom Hill original.  S. Clevelandii x with some S. apiana. . Nice structure, foliage and extended flowering time.  Very adaptable and drought tolerant. Smaller than Vicki Romo, slightly larger that S. clevelandii.  Product of natual cross pollination in the Nursery.

Epilobium Californica x (Catalina x latifolia) Common Name: Desi's Blossom Fuchsia

Family: Onagraceae

Type:  2'h x 2'w - small plant

Flowers: June to Fall

Flower Color: Orange/Red

Likes: Full/Part

Low spreading Fuschia. Hybrid that has some of the best characteristics of both.  Slightly spreading small upright Fuschia.  Prolific flowering of red/orange flowers that hummingbirds love.  Product of natural cross polllination in the garden - thank you to the Hummingbirds!

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